Iberian-American Summit

Iberian-American Summit

The Iberian-American Summit, also known as the Ibero-American Summit, is an annual gathering of heads of state and government from Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and Andorra. The summit promotes political, economic, social, and cultural cooperation among Ibero-American countries.

Dates and Details:

  • The first Ibero-American Summit took place in Guadalajara, Mexico, from July 18 to 19, 1991.
  • The summit occurs annually, with a few exceptions, such as in 1999, 2002, and 2009 when no summits were held.
  • The host country rotates among the member nations, with each summit focusing on specific themes or issues.

Iberian-American Summit Facts:

  1. The Ibero-American Summit was conceived during the first meeting of foreign ministers from Latin America and the Caribbean in 1989, held in Caracas, Venezuela.
  2. In addition to the heads of state and government, the summit includes representatives from international organizations, such as the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and the European Union.
  3. The Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) was created in 2005 to support the summits and promote cooperation among the member countries.
  4. The official languages of the Ibero-American Summit are Spanish, Portuguese, and, to a lesser extent, Catalan.
  5. During the summits, various cultural events and exhibitions are organized to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Ibero-American countries.

Effects on Pop Culture:

  • The Ibero-American Summit has increased awareness of the cultural, social, and political ties between Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and Andorra.
  • The summit has led to the creation of various cultural initiatives, such as the Ibero-American Film Festival and the Ibero-American Theater Festival, which promote the exchange of artistic expression among the member countries.
  • The summit has contributed to the development of a shared identity among the people of the Ibero-American community, strengthening ties across the Atlantic.

Prominent People and Countries Involved:

  • The Ibero-American Summit involves the heads of state and government from 22 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Andorra.
  • Notable leaders who have participated in the summit include Felipe González (former Prime Minister of Spain), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (former President of Brazil), and Fidel Castro (former President of Cuba).
  • The summit has also attracted the attention of Nobel laureates, artists, and intellectuals from the Ibero-American region, who participate in forums and cultural events organized around the main event.